Acupuncture Clinic in Denver, Colorado
Dr. Cui, Xiang Yang has over 39 years practicing and teaching in the U.S and China. He received his Masters of Medicine degree from Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Harbin, China . After graduation he worked at a hospital in Beijing, He was the assistant chief of staff in the Department of TCM. In China, Dr. Cui taught TCM Diagnosis and Differentiation, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Qi Gong, and TCM Food Therapy. In the U.S., Dr. Cui holds a Ph.D. in Oriental Medicine.
Dr. Cui specializes in the following areas:
- Health protection, disease prevention and longevity
- Acute injuries or chronic pain, arthritis
- Stroke, MS , Bell’s Palsy, tremor, tinnitus
- Stress, anxiety, depression, migraines, insomnia, fatigue
- Allergies, sinus problems, bronchitis, asthma
- Digestive disorders
- Heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipemia
- Gynecological problems, menopausal syndromes, infertility, sexual disorders, prostatitis, UTI
- Pediatric Illnesses
- Weight loss, skin problems, nicotine addiction
- Many difficult cases including diabetes, amnesia
Beijing Acupuncture & Herbal Treatment Center, INC.
TCM Health Protection and Longevity Center
3955 E Exposition Ave, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80209
(303) 316-8866

- Acupuncture Clinic in Denver, Colorado
- Dr.Cui Focuses on Health Protection,Disease Prevention and Longevity
- How Do You Determine What is Out of Balance?
- How Does Chinese Medicine Work?
- Is chinese Medicine Safe?
- Research & Publications By Dr.Cui
- What Does Chinese Medicine Treat?
- What Methods Are Used in Chinese Medicine?